I have read a book about being a Mom and making time for art, and I have read a few articles online about creating with kids. I didn't come across anything about creating art with a baby until recently. I usually wait for P to be in bed before I can create something, but then nap/bed time ends up being the only time I have to get house things done. I have always thought about making art with Penelope but didn't really think it was possible, until I watched Leonie's video. So, we had our very first art session the other day and it was so much fun!
Here she is investigating the paint box.
We used Crayola Washable Kid's Paint. It is non-toxic so not a big deal if she does happen to get it in her mouth, which is inevitable, lol. There are other options, such as making home made paint with cornstarch & food coloring, or pudding & food coloring etc. Different types of fruits could be used too, blueberries etc. but the food coloring and fruit dyes WILL stain EVERYTHING. So I opted to go with something that is easy to wash off. After we were done I put her in the bath tub which is one of her very favorite things to do.
Here is the finished Masterpiece. Her color composition is fabulous! ;)