Post your Tweets to Facebook

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
If you link your twitter to facebook, you only have to post once to twitter and the post will be sent to facebook. Reach both audiences and get two things done at once!

 Here is how:

1.  Log into your twitter account

2 .Click on the little person icon, found between the search and the compose new tweet icon

3. Your menu will pop up where you can select Settings

4. In your settings, click on the Profile tab

5. Scroll down the page, near the bottom you will see the "Post your Tweets to Facebook" button. Click on this.

6. If you are not already signed into facebook, a window will pop up like this. Click on the button to sign in

7. Another window pops up, sign into your account

8. After you sign in, the window refreshes and you should see this

9. The check box for "my Facebook profile" will be checked by default. You will have to uncheck that, then check off the "my Facebook page" and then choose your page from the drop down menu.

10. Guess what? Another window! You will have to allow permission for the two sites to connect to each other. Click on Allow.

11. When you are finished, click on Save 

Now, whenever you post a tweet it will be sent to your Facebook page so you don't have to run around both sites trying to update everything individually. 

To disconnect twitter from facebook, follow steps 1-4, you will see this. Click on Disconnect.

Click ok, and you are done. 

If you need assistance with this, or have any questions, feel free to contact me. 

You can also connect your facebook page to twitter with a couple of easy steps.